Evolution of the organization of Outils Océans facing Covid-19 crisis : Outils Océans team remains mobilized to support you
Commercial and administrative service:
– You have a project or want a quote: contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone on +33 2 98 94 63 03 or by our website www.outils-oceans.com
– You wish to place an order: send it by email to [email protected] or go through our website.
Production and logistics service:
– Production is currently dedicated to the manufacture of masks because the load schedule remains insufficient to restart our other manufacturing. We are counting on you to allow us to resume all of our production activities.
– You ordered products kept in stock and ordered online: we have set up an organization to ensure 2 departures per week. Delivery delays are nevertheless expected on the side of our carriers compared to the usual deadlines.
Software solutions service (sorting aid, traceability and GEC / GED):
– Hosting for cloud offers is kept in normal activity
– Support for cloud and on-premise offers is maintained in normal remote activity. Prefer contact by email to [email protected] and in the event of a service stop call +33 2 56 10 20 40